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Windows 7 Ultimate AIO Theme Kit 130 THEMES

Windows 7 Ultimate AIO Theme Kit 130 THEMES | 1.68 GB

It's finally done. Here is my all in one Windows 7 Theme Kit I just finished.The last one I did was a huge success and has been downloaded over 10,000 times at the time of this posting.Naturally, the next step was to evolve this into a simple auto-run that anyone, regardless of their computer knowledge, could easily use.This one has all my other themes plus 30 brand new ones for a total of 130 themes.This application contains everything you will need to customize your Windows 7 in one convenient auto-run application.

You can even change your start orb, log on screen or run the UX Themepatcher in one click!

What's new in this version:
*easy to use AIO application
*added 30+ new themes
*added XDOCK 2.2 with 33 built in skins
*added huge Icon pack
*many new double click to install themes
*new version of Start Orb Changer
*added new start orbs to mega pack
*cleaned up a bunch of junk in the themepack and fixed some broken themes

I have included UltraISO for your convenience to either mount the image or burn to DVD. Full instructions are included.

Windows 7 Ultimate AIO Theme Kit 130 THEMES

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Categorie: Windows-uri | Adaugat de: starmaxx (01-Mar-2011)
Vizualizari: 4103 | Comentarii: 1 | Tags: descarca windows vista ultimate gra, windows vista full gratis, AIO Them, download gratis windows vista ultim, warez download windows vista | Raging: 0.0/0

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Total comentarii : 1
1 albertoaby   (15-Iun-2013 11:01:49) [Ìàòåðèàë]
Salut starmaxx windows-uri merg? sau sunt prefacatori ? dami si mie id tau de mess te rog !

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