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meniu misto
dj-kappaData: Vineri, 02-Oct-2009, 18:51:28 | Mesaj # 1
Grup: V.I.P
Mesaje: 102
Premii: 5
Reputaţie: 5
Status: Offline

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function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed)
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// DotMenu
// provides cross-browser functionality
function getObjectRef(name) {
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     else return null;

// general functions to assist the script
function show(name) {
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function hide(name) {
     var el = getObjectRef(name);
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function getWidth(name) {
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     return el.offsetWidth;
function getHeight(name) {
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     return el.offsetHeight;
function moveMe(name,x,y) {
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function moveBy(name,x,y) {
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// Creates the menu objects
var menuCount = 0;
function menuObject(name,x,y,caption, r, parent) {
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     this.addItem = function(c,action,r) {
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       if(!r) r = this.radius/2;
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       return sub;
     this.expand = function() {
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         if((!this.parent || this.parent.state == this.parent.subMenus.length) && p) {
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         p = p && (this.subMenus[i].state==0)  && (this.subMenus[i].moving==false);
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         getObjectRef(this.caption).style.filter = "alpha (opacity=100)";          
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         getObjectRef(this.caption).style.MozOpacity = "100%";

     this.collapseAll = function(except) {
       for(var i=0;i<this.parent.subMenus.length;i++) {
         if(this.parent.subMenus[i].name!=except && this.parent.subMenus[i].state==this.parent.subMenus[i].subMenus.length) {
     this.toggle = function(e) {
       if(document.all) id = window.event.srcElement;
       else id = e.target;
       var dot = eval(id.objRef);
       if(dot.state==0 && !dot.moving) dot.expand();
       else if(dot.state==dot.subMenus.length && !dot.moving) dot.collapse()
     this.doAction = function(e) {
       if(document.all) id = window.event.srcElement;
       else id = e.target;
       var dot = eval(id.objRef);
       if(dot.action == "toggle") dot.toggle(e);
       else eval(dot.action);
     //change these if you want to change the events that trigger the actions
     //getObjectRef(this.ref).onmousemove = this.toggle;
     getObjectRef(this.ref).onmouseup = this.doAction;
     this.slide = function(xx,yy,func) {
       if(!func) func = "";
       var px = this.parent.x();
       var py = this.parent.y();
       var x = xx - this.x() + px;
       var y = yy - this.y() + py;
       var d = sqrt(square(xx-this.x() + px) + square(yy-this.y() + py));
       var v = d/8;
       if(v<1) v = 1;
       if( (Math.abs(x) < v) && (Math.abs(y) < v) ) {
         moveMe(this.ref,xx + px,yy + py);         
         if(func != "") eval(func);
       } else {       
         var a = round(atan(x,y));
         dx = round(v * cos(degToRad(a)));
         dy = round(v * sin(degToRad(a)));
         setTimeout(this.name + ".slide(" + xx + "," + yy + ", '" + func + "');",10);       
     // Preoading the windows filters.
     if (menuCount==0 && document.all) document.all[this.ref].style.filter = "alpha (opacity=100)";
     return this;

// Math functions
var pi = Math.PI;
function square(x) { return (x*x); }
function sqrt(x) { return Math.sqrt(x); }
function round(x) { return Math.round(x); }
function rand(x,y) { return (round(Math.random()*(y-x)) + x); }

function cos(x) { return Math.cos(x) }
function sin(x) { return Math.sin(x) }
function degToRad(x) { return ( x/(360/(2*pi)) ); }
function radToDeg(x) { return ( x*(360/(2*pi)) ); }

function atan(s,t) {
     if( s == 0.0 && t > 0.0)
       angle = 90.0;
     else if(s == 0.0 && t < 0.0)    
       angle = 270.0;
     else if (s < 0.0 )    
       angle = 180.0 + radToDeg(Math.atan(t/s));
     else if (s > 0.0 && t < 0.0)
       angle = 360.0 + radToDeg(Math.atan(t/s));
     else {
       if(s==0.0) s=0.00001;
       angle = radToDeg(Math.atan(t/s));
     if(angle < 0.0) angle += 360.0;
     return angle;

// make the menus and provide information on usage
// In order to customise your menus all you need to do is:
//   - edit the styles .dot, .dotoff and .caption
//   - add the main menu using the following code
//         var [menu_name] = new menuObject("[menu_name]", [x position], [y position], [caption], [spacing between sub menus]);
//   - add the subemus using:
//         var [sub_menu] = [menu_name].addItem([caption],[action],[spacing]);
//       OR
//         var [sub-sub_menu] = [sub_menu].addItem([caption],[action],[spacing]);
//       OR
//         [menu_name].subMenus[x].addItem([caption],[action],[spacing]);
//       - where action is string that get's evaluated when the dot is clicked
//       (NOTE the spacing is optional and if left blank gets inherited
//             and is equal to the  (parent's value)/2 - the default for
//             the main menu item uis 400)
//   - the following allow extra manipulation of the menus:
//          + menuItem.show()              - show's the menu's dot
//          + menuItem.showCaption()       - show's the menu's caption
//          + menuItem.hide()
//          + menuItem.hideCaption()
//          + menuItem.startAngle = x      - default is 0-degrees which means the first submenu appears
//                    directly to the right, the following items are traced in a
//                    clockwise direction
//          + menuItem.setCaption("text")  - allows you to change a menus caption
//          + menuItem.expand()            - opens a menus submenus (if they exist)
//          + menuItem.collapse()          - closes a menu's subItems (unless one of them is open)
//          + menuItem.moveMe(x,y)         - moves a menu to coordinates (x,y)
//          + menuItem.moveBy(x,y)         - moves a menu by (x,y)-pixels
//          + menuItem.x() & menuItem.y()  - retrieve a menus coordinates

//get dimentions of the page
if(document.all) pageWidth = document.body.offsetWidth-20;
else pageWidth = innerWidth;
if(document.all) pageHeight = document.body.offsetHeight-4;
else pageHeight = innerHeight;

//Create main menu
var menu = new menuObject("menu",pageWidth/2,pageHeight/2,"DhtmlCentral Site Map",pageHeight/2);
menu.startAngle = -90;

//show menu and caption

//Add submenus

menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Loading Bar","window.open('/script/script17.asp')");
menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Window Script","window.open('/script/script16.asp')");
menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Circle Menu","window.open('/script/script14.asp')");
menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Annimation Intro","window.open('/script/script9.asp')");
menu.subMenus[1].addItem("Other Scripts","window.open('/script/')");

menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Scripting for vs5 browsers","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial5.asp')");
menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Makeing a Dhtml Script","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial6.asp')");
menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Filters & Transitions","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial4.asp')");
menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Dhtml Library","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial3.asp')");
menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Document Size","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial2.asp')");
menu.subMenus[2].addItem("Dhtml Intro","window.open('/tutorials/tutorial1.asp')");

menu.subMenus[3].addItem("Forum listings","window.open('/forums')");
menu.subMenus[3].addItem("Cool Sites","window.open('/forums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=1&CAT_ID=1&Forum_Title=Cool+sites')");
menu.subMenus[3].addItem("Cross Browser","window.open('/forums/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=3&CAT_ID=1&Forum_Title=Crossbrowser+DHTML')");

c = menu.subMenus[4].addItem("Cool Sites","toggle");
c.startAngle = 15;
menu.subMenus[4].addItem("Script Sites","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=1&cattitle=Script+sites')");
menu.subMenus[4].addItem("Tutorials &<br>References","toggle");

menu.subMenus[4].subMenus[0].addItem("Comercial Sites","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=5&cattitle=Commercial+sites')");
menu.subMenus[4].subMenus[0].addItem("Personal Sites","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=6&cattitle=Personal+sites')");
menu.subMenus[4].subMenus[0].addItem("Experimental Projects","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=4&cattitle=Experimental+projects')");

menu.subMenus[4].subMenus[3].addItem("Tutorials & Articles","window.open('/resources/default.asp?catid=9&cattitle=Tutorials+and+Articles')");


Oare chiar trag iarba? Nu,nu trag,fumez!De ce? Ia ghici!
mitiData: Marţi, 10-Noi-2009, 15:52:52 | Mesaj # 2
Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 5
Premii: 3
Reputaţie: 0
Status: Offline
cul al pun?
asd10cristiData: Marţi, 10-Noi-2009, 17:25:04 | Mesaj # 3
Grup: V.I.P
Mesaje: 30
Premii: 0
Reputaţie: 0
Status: Offline
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LiveHDTVsData: Joi, 06-Oct-2011, 15:25:47 | Mesaj # 4
Grup: Prieteni

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SaucrasticaData: Vineri, 18-Noi-2011, 10:00:30 | Mesaj # 5
Grup: Prieteni

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Grup: Prieteni

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Grup: Prieteni

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