ambundererend | Data: Marţi, 23-Feb-2010, 23:48:14 | Mesaj # 1 |
Grup: Prieteni
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AAsvcjAfkY | Data: Vineri, 13-Sep-2013, 14:56:23 | Mesaj # 2 |
Grup: Prieteni
| Interesting post you referred me to. Though penolralsy, I have mixed feelings about giving away my blog access data to web-based services. (I even signed in for BlogIt once, but never used it out of a feeling of discomfort.)And they are all using the same technology as desktop blogging clients anyway: XML-RPC. Qumana never worked for me. I've been using , which is very lean, and supports posting to multiple blogs at once (unlike LiveWriter and ScribeFire, both listed in that article).You may be right about The Cloud (Though knowing MS, and their preference for bloat, I suspect I won't like it.) Anyway, The Cloud does not imply that you have NO software on your computer. Even with The Cloud you'll need at least a web browser, and with FF + ScribeFire, for example, you have a desktop blogging client. Desktop blogging clients and The Cloud are not a contradiction. (IMO, the technology of The Cloud could as well enable more sophisticated tools for web access.)
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Vizitator | Data: Duminică, 15-Sep-2013, 10:36:35 | Mesaj # 3 |
Grup: Prieteni
| The big problem is aaylws "who owns the other bit". And I agree - if you can't afford the mortgage payments you're not going to be able to pay a commercial rate on the rest of the property, so selling the capital gain is the only thing left. Problems as above...The new home buyers grant in Australia just added that much to the cost of houses, it didn't help the supply side. Agree that the best solution is to increase supply, and directly building large numbers of houses is probably the only way it'll work. It worked in the 60's, let's try it again.I thin a public-private partnership approach might actually work - partly fund the development by selling every third section to devlopers on the condition that the new building match the surrounding ones to a fair degree. Then build a high-density mix of cheap and expensiving housing, with public transport corridors and pedestrian access etc etc. The only hard bit is getting the land - compulsory acquisition of 500Ha in Auckland would raise a few eyebrows... but that's what you'd be looking at. perhaps the slumlaws from the US - either you redevlop the land, or we take it and do it?
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aChtnE60PaE1 | Data: Luni, 16-Sep-2013, 03:36:00 | Mesaj # 4 |
Grup: Prieteni
| belle invitation au <a href="">vogyae</a> ..en laissant la part belle e0 la nature nous avons envie de suivre ces randonneurs , de partager avec eux ce si beau chemin belle photo !
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K7ly2ih1z2Uz | Data: Marţi, 17-Sep-2013, 23:56:20 | Mesaj # 5 |
Grup: Prieteni
| Great article but it didn't have <a href="">evgityhrne-I</a> didn't find the kitchen sink!
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