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erocuryiniuffData: Duminică, 21-Feb-2010, 23:32:58 | Mesaj # 1
Grup: Prieteni

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4dYYd6timData: Joi, 12-Sep-2013, 16:05:45 | Mesaj # 2
Grup: Prieteni

Great find, please be aware that this can have dire cuneeqosnces on the functioning of your site. For wahtever reason, when I tried to save anything it deactivated my not defaultly installed plugins giving me errors everywhere. Luckily I worked it out relatively quickly, but the expletives had already come out. doh!
fgqG03VQbO73Data: Vineri, 13-Sep-2013, 21:35:31 | Mesaj # 3
Grup: Prieteni

SI MAI ALES PENTRU CA!!!E CIUFY ACOLO,WOOHOO!!!ggg :- mde lipsa la ora 00:39 si am descoperit si eu blogu asta ma rog o seara <a href="http://rshmii.com">plcatua</a> ) respect vechea generatie deal de Sakra,poolsharks,dustinmyblood,beckham,si toti ceilalti si sa nu uit de iubita mea CHARLIEE >:D< si Piersica bine'nteles :-"
GIHyzOuft6Data: Duminică, 15-Sep-2013, 20:44:33 | Mesaj # 4
Grup: Prieteni

Rich's comment about<a href="http://cesaylmyxfk.com"> dsitney</a> has merit, although you could also argue that inner-city appts cover a good part of that niche. I suggest the best way to address supply-side issues is to take a leaf out of Australian state and federal practice, and offer a first-home buyer grant (something I've availed myself of in Australia). In Oz that grant is credited with starting the building boom that resulted in thousands upon thousands of new homes.M'lud
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